Leeds Umbrella CIC

“Learn, Practice and Start Your Own Business” (LEPSOB) Initiative

  1. Five informal English-speaking lessons. The lessons will focus on practical work-related speaking skills in the food business.

  2. Two business webinars in Cantonese to cover the knowledge about starting up a food business in Yorkshire.

  3. Start a food stall to sell Hong Kong-style street food and drinks. Students will be provided practical opportunities at the food stall after completing activities 1 and 2.

  4. Collaborate with Investing in People and Culture (IPC) in running “Hong Kong Tea House” gatherings monthly. Participants of LEPSOB and BN(O)s are invited to join.

  5. Continuous support for BN(O)s interested in starting their own food/catering business or working in the industry.

  6. Host celebration events for 4 important Hong Kong/UK festivals. The food stall will prepare and provide traditional food in keeping with the celebrations.


Lancashire County Council


Lifeline Community Projects