Reach (EMCF)

The focus will be on welcoming and integrating new arrivals from Hong Kong in Derby and Nottingham. The project already has experienced personnel in place with knowledge and skills of working cross culturally, especially with BNOs. Project areas include:

  • a welcome and befriending programme using local volunteers to visit and help orientate new arrivals, aided by resources from local partners -delivering a 6 week welcome course, which includes understanding British Culture, making friends, well-being, problem solving and citizenship

  • volunteer led English language conversation groups

  • monthly social activities -British cultural activities such as New Year and Christmas celebrations and local places of interest (Chatsworth House/Sherwood Forest) -bi-annual large celebrations in each area to help BNO’s meet others from the local area with a mix of Hong Kong and British Culture

  • bi-monthly sports and social activities for young people


Positive Youth Foundation (PYF)


Refugee Action: Pathways to Work