Action West London
Action West London will support Hong Kong BN(O) visa holders in overcoming employment barriers. We will offer established services in employment, education, and enterprise to Hong Kong Nationals in west London. The goal is to help with CVs, job search, applications, and interview skills, including training in social skills, IT, English language, and communication.
We will address challenges faced by Hong Kongers in finding suitable employment in the UK due to differences in qualifications and job requirements. To address this, a tailored programme of one-to-one and group support, work experience placements, and employability training will be provided over 8-10 weeks. Each person will receive up to 10 hours of intensive support. We will deploy a Contracts Manager who provide ongoing assistance to help the individuals to make positive choices for the future. Stakeholders and partners will be involved through networking, staff recruitment, work placements, and connections with local companies.