5 E Ltd

5E’s START-WELL project will support Hong Kong BN(O)’s and their dependents from key London boroughs with an emphasis to welcome and integrate them into Life in the UK. START-WELL will provide activities for early intervention, citizenship, enrichment and integration through IAG, individual needs analysis, workshops for settling in the UK including Life in the UK, information on accessing housing, health, welfare benefits, employer know-how, ‘Life in the UK’ and ‘Adapting to UK Life’, trips to places of interest, mentoring and coaching translation, budding and befriending opportunities with UK ambassadors/ welcome hubs/ referral organisations especially in Harrow and Barnet.

Participants will be offered accredited and non-accredited qualifications in ESOL, functional skills, numeracy/ literacy, vocational skills and other wrap around support including customised workshops to offer suitable opportunities in work experience, volunteering, further education, training and paid employment to integrate them into UK social, cultural and economic life as a responsible citizen.


Action West London